
By solving one tries to find a mathematical object that meets certain criteria. This chapter documents the functions that are available to help find solutions to specific types of problems.

Symbolic Solvers

Solve(eq, var)

solve an equation

  • eq – equation to solve
  • var – variable to solve for

This command tries to solve an equation. If {eq} does not contain the {==} operator, it is assumed that the user wants to solve $eq == 0$. The result is a list of equations of the form {var == value}, each representing a solution of the given equation. The {Where} operator can be used to substitute this solution in another expression. If the given equation {eq} does not have any solutions, or if {Solve} is unable to find any, then an empty list is returned. The current implementation is far from perfect. In particular, the user should keep the following points in mind:

OldSolve(eq, var)

old version of {Solve}

  • eq – single identity equation
  • var – single variable
  • eqlist – list of identity equations
  • varlist – list of variables

This is an older version of {Solve}. It is retained for two reasons. The first one is philosophical: it is good to have multiple algorithms available. The second reason is more practical: the newer version cannot handle systems of equations, but {OldSolve} can. This command tries to solve one or more equations. Use the first form to solve a single equation and the second one for systems of equations. The first calling sequence solves the equation “eq” for the variable “var”. Use the {==} operator to form the equation. The value of “var” which satisfies the equation, is returned. Note that only one solution is found and returned. To solve a system of equations, the second form should be used. It solves the system of equations contained in the list “eqlist” for the variables appearing in the list “varlist”. A list of results is returned, and each result is a list containing the values of the variables in “varlist”. Again, at most a single solution is returned. The task of solving a single equation is simply delegated to {SuchThat}. Multiple equations are solved recursively: firstly, an equation is sought in which one of the variables occurs exactly once; then this equation is solved with {SuchThat}; and finally the solution is substituted in the other equations by {Eliminate} decreasing the number of equations by one. This suffices for all linear equations and a large group of simple nonlinear equations.

In> OldSolve(a+x*y==z,x)
Out> (z-a)/y;
In> OldSolve({a*x+y==0,x+z==0},{x,y})
Out> {{-z,z*a}};
This means that "x = (z-a)/y" is a solution of the first equation
and that "x = -z", "y = z*a" is a solution of the systems of
equations in the second command.
An example which {OldSolve} cannot solve:
In> OldSolve({x^2-x == y^2-y,x^2-x == y^3+y},{x,y});
Out> {};
SuchThat(expr, var)

special purpose solver

  • expr – expression to make zero
  • var – variable (or subexpression) to solve for

This functions tries to find a value of the variable “var” which makes the expression “expr” zero. It is also possible to pass a subexpression as “var”, in which case {SuchThat} will try to solve for that subexpression. Basically, only expressions in which “var” occurs only once are handled; in fact, {SuchThat} may even give wrong results if the variables occurs more than once. This is a consequence of the implementation, which repeatedly applies the inverse of the top function until the variable “var” is reached.

In> SuchThat(a+b*x, x)
Out> (-a)/b;
In> SuchThat(Cos(a)+Cos(b)^2, Cos(b))
Out> Cos(a)^(1/2);
In> A:=Expand(a*x+b*x+c, x)
Out> (a+b)*x+c;
In> SuchThat(A, x)
Out> (-c)/(a+b);
Eliminate(var, value, expr)

substitute and simplify

  • var – variable (or subexpression) to substitute
  • value – new value of “var”
  • expr – expression in which the substitution should take place

This function uses {Subst} to replace all instances of the variable (or subexpression) “var” in the expression “expr” with “value”, calls {Simplify} to simplify the resulting expression, and returns the result.

In> Subst(Cos(b), c) (Sin(a)+Cos(b)^2/c)
Out> Sin(a)+c^2/c;
In> Eliminate(Cos(b), c, Sin(a)+Cos(b)^2/c)
Out> Sin(a)+c;
PSolve(poly, var)

solve a polynomial equation

  • poly – a polynomial in “var”
  • var – a variable

This commands returns a list containing the roots of “poly”, considered as a polynomial in the variable “var”. If there is only one root, it is not returned as a one-entry list but just by itself. A double root occurs twice in the result, and similarly for roots of higher multiplicity. All polynomials of degree up to 4 are handled.

In> PSolve(b*x+a,x)
Out> -a/b;
In> PSolve(c*x^2+b*x+a,x)
Out> {(Sqrt(b^2-4*c*a)-b)/(2*c),(-(b+

See also

Solve(), Factor()

MatrixSolve(A, b)

solve a system of equations

  • A – coefficient matrix
  • b – row vector

{MatrixSolve} solves the matrix equations {A*x = b} using Gaussian Elimination with Backward substitution. If your matrix is triangular or diagonal, it will be recognized as such and a faster algorithm will be used.

In> A:={{2,4,-2,-2},{1,2,4,-3},{-3,-3,8,-2},{-1,1,6,-3}};
Out> {{2,4,-2,-2},{1,2,4,-3},{-3,-3,8,-2},{-1,1,6,-3}};
In> b:={-4,5,7,7};
Out> {-4,5,7,7};
In> MatrixSolve(A,b);
Out> {1,2,3,4};
Numeric solvers

Numeric Solvers

Newton(expr, var, initial, accuracy)

solve an equation numerically with Newton’s method

  • expr – an expression to find a zero for
  • var – free variable to adjust to find a zero
  • initial – initial value for “var” to use in the search
  • accuracy – minimum required accuracy of the result
  • min – minimum value for “var” to use in the search
  • max – maximum value for “var” to use in the search

This function tries to numerically find a zero of the expression {expr}, which should depend only on the variable {var}. It uses the value {initial} as an initial guess. The function will iterate using Newton’s method until it estimates that it has come within a distance {accuracy} of the correct solution, and then it will return its best guess. In particular, it may loop forever if the algorithm does not converge. When {min} and {max} are supplied, the Newton iteration takes them into account by returning {Fail} if it failed to find a root in the given range. Note this doesn’t mean there isn’t a root, just that this algorithm failed to find it due to the trial values going outside of the bounds.

In> Newton(Sin(x),x,3,0.0001)
Out> 3.1415926535;
In> Newton(x^2-1,x,2,0.0001,-5,5)
Out> 1;
In> Newton(x^2+1,x,2,0.0001,-5,5)
Out> Fail;

See also

Solve(), NewtonNum()


find the real roots of a polynomial

Parameters:p – a polynomial in {x}

Return a list with the real roots of $ p $. It tries to find the real-valued roots, and thus requires numeric floating point calculations. The precision of the result can be improved by increasing the calculation precision.

In> p:=Expand((x+3.1)^5*(x-6.23))
Out> x^6+9.27*x^5-0.465*x^4-300.793*x^3-
In> FindRealRoots(p)
Out> {-3.1,6.23};

See also

SquareFree(), NumRealRoots(), MinimumBound(), MaximumBound(), Factor()


return the number of real roots of a polynomial

Parameters:p – a polynomial in {x}

Returns the number of real roots of a polynomial $ p $. The polynomial must use the variable {x} and no other variables.

In> NumRealRoots(x^2-1)
Out> 2;
In> NumRealRoots(x^2+1)
Out> 0;

See also

FindRealRoots(), SquareFree(), MinimumBound(), MaximumBound(), Factor()


return lower bounds on the absolute values of real roots of a polynomial

Parameters:p – a polynomial in $x$

Return minimum and maximum bounds for the absolute values of the real roots of a polynomial {p}. The polynomial has to be converted to one with rational coefficients first, and be made square-free. The polynomial must use the variable {x}.

In> p:=SquareFree(Rationalize((x-3.1)*(x+6.23)))
Out> (-40000*x^2-125200*x+772520)/870489;
In> MinimumBound(p)
Out> 5000000000/2275491039;
In> N(%)
Out> 2.1973279236;
In> MaximumBound(p)
Out> 10986639613/1250000000;
In> N(%)
Out> 8.7893116904;