Simplification of expressions

Simplification of expression is a big and non-trivial subject. Simplification implies that there is a preferred form. In practice the preferred form depends on the calculation at hand. This chapter describes the functions offered that allow simplification of expressions.


try to simplify an expression

Parameters:expr – expression to simplify

This function tries to simplify the expression {expr} as much as possible. It does this by grouping powers within terms, and then grouping similar terms.

In> a*b*a^2/b-a^3
Out> (b*a^3)/b-a^3;
In> Simplify(a*b*a^2/b-a^3)
Out> 0;

simplify expression with nested radicals

Parameters:expr – an expression containing nested radicals

This function tries to write the expression “expr” as a sum of roots of integers: $Sqrt(e1) + Sqrt(e2) + ...$, where $e1$, $e2$ and so on are natural numbers. The expression “expr” may not contain free variables. It does this by trying all possible combinations for $e1$, $e2$, ... Every possibility is numerically evaluated using {N} and compared with the numerical evaluation of “expr”. If the approximations are equal (up to a certain margin), this possibility is returned. Otherwise, the expression is returned unevaluated. Note that due to the use of numerical approximations, there is a small chance that the expression returned by {RadSimp} is close but not equal to {expr}. The last example underneath illustrates this problem. Furthermore, if the numerical value of {expr} is large, the number of possibilities becomes exorbitantly big so the evaluation may take very long.

In> RadSimp(Sqrt(9+4*Sqrt(2)))
Out> Sqrt(8)+1;
In> RadSimp(Sqrt(5+2*Sqrt(6)) \
Out> Sqrt(12);
In> RadSimp(Sqrt(14+3*Sqrt(3+2
Out> Sqrt(2)+3;
But this command may yield incorrect results:
In> RadSimp(Sqrt(1+10^(-6)))
Out> 1;

See also

Simplify(), N()


Simplify hypergeometric expressions containing factorials

Parameters:expression – expression to simplify

{FactorialSimplify} takes an expression that may contain factorials, and tries to simplify it. An expression like $ (n+1)! / n! $ would simplify to $(n+1)$. The following steps are taken to simplify:


expand a logarithmic expression using standard logarithm rules

Parameters:expr – the logarithm of an expression

{LnExpand} takes an expression of the form $Ln(expr)$, and applies logarithm rules to expand this into multiple {Ln} expressions where possible. An expression like $Ln(a*b^n)$ would be expanded to $Ln(a)+n*Ln(b)$. If the logarithm of an integer is discovered, it is factorised using {Factors} and expanded as though {LnExpand} had been given the factorised form. So $Ln(18)$ goes to $Ln(x)+2*Ln(3)$.


combine logarithmic expressions using standard logarithm rules

Parameters:expr – an expression possibly containing multiple {Ln} terms to be combined

{LnCombine} finds {Ln} terms in the expression it is given, and combines them using logarithm rules. It is intended to be the exact converse of {LnExpand}.


combine products of trigonometric functions

Parameters:expr – expression to simplify

This function applies the product rules of trigonometry, e.g. $Cos(u)*Sin(v) = (1/2)*(Sin(v-u) + Sin(v+u))$. As a result, all products of the trigonometric functions {Cos} and {Sin} disappear. The function also tries to simplify the resulting expression as much as possible by combining all similar terms. This function is used in for instance {Integrate}, to bring down the expression into a simpler form that hopefully can be integrated easily.

In> PrettyPrinter'Set("PrettyForm");
In> TrigSimpCombine(Cos(a)^2+Sin(a)^2)
In> TrigSimpCombine(Cos(a)^2-Sin(a)^2)
Cos( -2 * a )
In> TrigSimpCombine(Cos(a)^2*Sin(b))
Sin( b )   Sin( -2 * a + b )
-------- + -----------------
2               4
Sin( -2 * a - b )
- -----------------