Functional operators

These operators can help the user to program in the style of functional programming languages such as Miranda or Haskell.

item : list
list : item
list : list
string : string

prepend or append item to list, or concatenate lists or strings

In> a:b:c:{}
Out> {a,b,c};
In> "This":"Is":"A":"String"
Out> "ThisIsAString";
fn @ arglist

apply a function

This function is a shorthand for Apply(). It applies the function fn to the argument(s) in arglist and returns the result. fn can either be a string containing the name of a function or a pure function.

In> "Sin" @ a
Out> Sin(a);
In> {{a},Sin(a)} @ a
Out> Sin(a);
In> "f" @ {a,b}
Out> f(a,b);

See also


fn /@ list

apply a function to all entries in a list

Param fn:function to apply
Param list:list of arguments

This function is a shorthand for MapSingle(). It successively applies the function fn to all the entries in list and returns a list containing the results. The parameter fn can either be a string containing the name of a function or a pure function.

In> "Sin" /@ {a,b}
Out> {Sin(a),Sin(b)};
In> {{a},Sin(a)*a} /@ {a,b}
Out> {Sin(a)*a,Sin(b)*b};
n .. m

construct a list of consecutive integers

This command returns the list {n, n+1, n+2, ..., m}. If m is smaller than n, the empty list is returned.


The .. operator should be surrounded by spaces to keep the parser happy. So one should write 1 .. 4 instead of 1..4.

NFunction(newname, funcname, arglist)

make wrapper for numeric functions

This function will define a function named newname() with the same arguments as an existing function named funcname(). The new function will evaluate and return the expression funcname(arglist) only when all items in the argument list arglist are numbers, and return unevaluated otherwise. This can be useful e.g. when plotting functions defined through other yacas routines that cannot return unevaluated. If the numerical calculation does not return a number (for example, it might return the atom Infinity for some arguments), then the new function will return Undefined.

In> f(x) := N(Sin(x));
Out> True;
In> NFunction("f1", "f", {x});
Out> True;
In> f1(a);
Out> f1(a);
In> f1(0);
Out> 0;

Suppose we need to define a complicated function t() which cannot be evaluated unless the argument is a number:

In> t(x) := If(x<=0.5, 2*x, 2*(1-x));
Out> True;
In> t(0.2);
Out> 0.4;
In> t(x);
In function "If" :
bad argument number 1 (counting from 1)
CommandLine(1) : Invalid argument

Then, we can use NFunction() to define a wrapper t1() around t() which will not try to evaluate t() unless the argument is a number:

In> NFunction("t1", "t", {x})
Out> True;
In> t1(x);
Out> t1(x);
In> t1(0.2);
Out> 0.4;

Now we can plot the function.

In> Plot2D(t1(x), -0.1: 1.1) Out> True;

See also
